Friday, January 10, 2014

15 Months thru 18 Months!!

It has been a little while since I've updated pictures - it has been busy around our house.  =)  So, for everyone that keeps asking - here are pictures from the last four months.  It doesn't include Christmas but I'll make that a separate post.

We also had our 18 month check-up this week.  Here are the stats:

Telsa - 24lbs 12.5oz, 33.75" tall
Jaken - 25lbs, 35" tall

In September, we all went to a lake house for the weekend with Joe's family.  We had a great time and the babies enjoyed playing in the water and in the sand.

learning washers from Grandpa & Uncle Jon

Jaken was a little more adventurous than Tesla when it came to the lake  =)

Grandpa & Grandma Eger came for a visit at the beginning of October.  We had fun visiting and going to a petting farm.

both babies like helping with laundry
we made hats with our Chili's menus - so cute!

headed ot the petting farm with Grandpa & Grandma

touching the pretty cool turtle

checking out the baby goat

Jaken found an old cassette tape and had fun pulling out the ribbon  =)

For Halloween, we dressed up as a biker dude and a shark for our daycare party.  We also helped pass out candy to all the neighborhood kids.

In November, we celebrated Mommy's birthday

we made a new game by sliding around in a box

or in a laundry basket with Rhyder, our cousin

For Thanksgiving, we spent the day with Grandma & Grandpa Wolf and Great Grandma Tom was able to be there too.  We had a great time!

four generations of Wolf's/Tom's 

Tesla & Great Grandma Tom playing

These are a couple pictures that I thought were cute!

figuring out how to 'climb' the gate  =)

peeking out at our ice covered world

playing a game on Mommy's tablet

dressed & ready for the outside cold  =)

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