Saturday, June 1, 2013

10 Months!!

The babies are already 10 months . . . actually almost 11, I'm just behind on updating y'all.

They have been growing and learning to much this past month.  Jaken is crawling well and fast, plus he walks along the couch and fireplace all on his own.  =)  Tesla started crawling the first week of May - fairly tentative at first, but watching and following Jaken helped her a lot  =)

Here are a few pictures from this past month:

the official 10 month photo  =)

this is how most of them turned out - he, he
showing off his baby blues  =)

Tesla loves to read (& chew on) her books

we got to Skype with Grandma Eger almost every week - it was fun!!

Jaken sharing string cheese with Grandma Wolf

gates keep us in and out of places  =) Jaken tried out the cat door on this one

Jaken wanted to help Daddy with the new gate  =)

Jaken even brought his own hammer 

awww . . . love this pic!

playing together

sometimes we sit in our Bumbos when we Skype with Grandma Eger

Great Grandma Tom came to visit and Jaken had fun sitting in her lap  =)

Enjoy!  11 Month pictures will be coming soon . . . then only 30 days till they are 1 year old!!  Can you believe it??  Time has flown by and it's been so much fun (and tough sometimes too) - I can't wait to see what the future holds for our two wonderful angels!!  <3 p="">

1 comment:

Auntie Kelli said...

I love the pic of Tesla with her books! And of course Jaken w/ his hammer like daddy's. =) Which makes me I get a hard copy of pics of them all grown up sometime? ;-)