Friday, November 30, 2012

4 Months!!

I can't believe the twins are four months already - whew!  Time sure does fly.  =)  By today they're actually almost five months . . . I'm just behind on my pictures (thank you, Rose, for keeping me accountable)  ;-)

Here are a few from our "official photo shoot"

Jaken was really interested in his hands and wasn't really interested in smiling

Telsa was all about her smile. . .Jaken, his hands  =)

cuties back to back

We took a couple pictures on their actual 4 month birthday but they were sick so they don't look super great, but here are a couple.  The matching John Deere onsies came from Grandpa Eger!

smiles even though they're sick
both had the RSV virus, but weathered it well and are healthy now

My Mom, aka Grandma Eger, and my Aunt Ruth came for a visit for Grandma's birthday (and mine too).  It was Aunt Ruth's first time meeting the twins and everyone had a great time!

Tesla snuggled up with Aunt Ruth the first night
Grandma reading to Jaken
one of my favorites of Aunt Ruth & Jaken
Tesla & Jaken with their Great Aunt Ruth
Jaken & Tesla with their Grandma Eger
Daddy and daughter  =)

We also started the twins on cereal and some fruit this past couple weeks.  These are their first reactions to trying something new . . . was fun!  =)

ready and waiting in their new high chairs with their new bibs
this one just cracks me up - she looks so tiny and so interested, sorta
Jaken did pretty well - we tried brown rice cereal first
Tesla did okay but tends to spit it out as she smiles - we're still practicing with her
Grandma got to feed them too - Tesla wasn't as sure this second time 
Grandma feeding Jaken - he really likes bananas we've found

I hope you enjoy all the pictures.  I have to apologize for not getting pictures up more often.  Being a working full-time mom of twins takes a lot of time.  =)  Work is going well - I only work 3 days a week (though they are 12-14 hour days) so it's nice to have the other four days with my babies (& Joe, depending on the weekend).  =)  I'll get our Thanksgiving pictures up soon!

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