Saturday, September 8, 2012

8 & 9 Weeks!!

I can't believe Tesla & Jaken are almost 2 months old already!  Time sure if flying by and they are changing so quickly.  They are so precious!  =)  We have our two month check up next week here so we'll see how much they've grown and how big they're getting - I'll be sure to post an update.

Jaken has started making more noises and such - sometimes it's in response to talking to him.  I love it!  Tesla is pretty quiet still, just taking it all in.

Modeling (or dancing in) our new fishy pajamas from Aunt Marie - we love them!!

Hanging out with Aunt Heather - we enjoy cuddling with her

Daddy & Tesla taking a nap on the couch - Tesla is a snuggler  =)

Fu (our cat) wasn't going to be left out - she just had to share Daddy's lap with Tesla

I finally caught Jaken's smile on camera - melts my heart!

nap time on our Tummy Time mats

We took some more pictures for their 2 months and I'll post those soon.  Enjoy!

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