Wednesday, May 16, 2012

29 weeks!!

We had our growth sono this past Wednesday.  Was so fun to see the babies again - they were pretty active and are super cute!  We weren't able to get any good pictures of them this time (we had a different sono tech) but hoping at the next appointment we can get some. 

Here are the stats:
Baby Boy - 3lbs 5 oz and 15.5" long
Baby Girl - 2lbs 14 oz and 14.9" long

They are both well within the average range for height and weight. 

As far as me - I passed my glucose tolerance test which means no gestational diabetes (which is very common with twins).  Yea!!  I'm feeling large but still have a ways to go.  I'm on light duty at work - means I sit at a desk mostly - which has been super helpful!  Feeling pretty good overall.  =)  Joe is doing well too.  He's really excited!

We're working on the nursery and we're almost done.  I'll be sure to post pics so you can see it all complete.  Cribs are all put together and the clothes are all put away.  It's getting more and more exciting!!

Here is a belly pic from just yesterday.  It's weird to see in a picture - my belly is definitely big but doesn't look that big from above.  =)  Oh, and people are saying I have a waddle already when I walk.  ha, ha

29 weeks and holding  =)

1 comment:

Andi and KC said...

I totally have a waddle already too, and I'm not even carrying twins!! ;)